Support Fluxea

Welcome to the FLUXEA support page
Your question is probably there. For sure, you will find the information you are interested in quickly.

Which offer to choose?

Customers are always fearful of getting scammed … Can I reassure them with Fluxea's services?

Of course ! We do not replace the relationship you can build with your customers. However, as a company our only goal is for vehicles to be serviced and repaired as the manufacturer recommends. We are totally independent of any garage network, manufacturers and the stock market! It is this pledge of quality that will help you in the relationship with your client.

I would like to enlarge the service range brought by my garage, how can Fluxea assist me ?

Obviously, when selecting the most adequate package, you’re acceding the documentation covering this new service range. Moreover, mention right away this new strategy to our Sales team, which will delight with Fluxea technical team help, in support to your change , by pointing the technical specificities, or the special tooling needed.

I am a very experienced professional, why should I subscribe a Fluxea package ?

Nobody questions your personal know-how ; the problem comes from the thousands of researchers , innovators… among the manufaturers' engineers aiming to improve the new models : one of their by-products is that – when defining ever more model-specific data (calibrating method, oil/fluid to use, …) - they create headaches for anyone attempting to absorb so many data ! Impossible task… Better, quicker, it is also far easier to access our database to find the relevant information.

I am a bodyrepair specialist, why should I subscribe to a Fluxea package ?

The task of the bodyrepairers becomes, year after year, more and more complex: everything began with the disconnecting method of the airbag, and, nowadays, the sensors requested by the autonomous vehicle (camera of warning of line departure, now combined with the radar of the Emergency Brake system). Let's not forget the high-performance steels - what element of the body ?, Which cutting and welding tools for these (ultra) high strength steels?

Which users is Fluxea service made for ?

For all after-sales professionals of the European Automotive sector, exclusively !

Why Fluxea service will be a benefit for my business ?

In first place, because you will be making money in achieving operations that formerly you had to refuse , and secondly, due to better time efficiency. Acceding the information is easy and quick, which generates much less stress that being permanently in a hurry.

The subscriptions

Can I test the service before subsribing ?

Yes uf couse you can ask a demo account to Fluxea Sales Dept. (see Contact page)

How to select the package most adequate for my needs ?

Our search engine will allow you to select the most adequate package in regard of your business areas (see Products page). In case of doubt, our Sales Team will help you to find the best choice. (see Contact page).

For apprentices in my workforce, can Fluxea's services help me?

It is even strongly recommended to include the search for documentation in the work process of your apprentice. As such, we are partners of major training centers in France and Belgium (GARAC, AFORPA, GNFA, EDUCAM).

I regularly have old models gasoline or diesel, which package is it adapted to my needs?

Our packages are thematic and include all models subject to availability of documentation.

I regularly have old models, petrol or diesel, will I find the data and diagrams in Fluxea packages ?

We do not erase any information from our database. As long as they were processed at the time, you will find information for models from the 70's.

What happens if one information is missing ?

From the interface of the subscriber site, you can contact our Techline who will answer very quickly (in general 15 min) – beware, the answer maybe "absence of info at the manufacturer"

Are all Fluxea methods illustrated ?

Neither do we like to read. All our methods are illustrated.

How to know which information types are present in a particular Pack ?

Our subscriptions content is detailed on every product sheet.

Is Fluxea service available from my smartphone ?

Our site is available either through your browser, or through our Android app. But, beware, the screen size of any smartphone is definitely not convenient to scroll a documentary database.

Can I call Fluxea techline with any of your packages ?

Techline is included in each package, under the limit of a normal frequency, and within the areas covered by the package.

How many users are able to benefit from a subscription ?

Our subscriptions include 2 simultaneous users.

During the subsciption period, may I change my pack ?

Our subscriptions are binding for only 12 months.
At any time, you can upgrade your subscription to a larger coverage. However during the committed period, lowering the service is not possible(see Contact page)

Manufacturer's warranty

How to show a Customer that I followed the Manufacturer's maintenance schedule?

You can print the maintenance sheet of our website and communicate it to him.

Why is the Manufacturer's Warranty maintained when using Fluxea ?

The Manufacturer's Warranty is maintained when strictly adhering to the Maintenance Schedule published by this manufacturer.
Through our packages, notably TISN2 and TISN3, you get access to this schedule , as well as to the operating methods (lubricants and fluids, filters, …) recommended by the manufacturer.

How to guarantee for my Clients the quality of my interventions?

By following our methods, it is even the manufacturer himself who will guarantee the quality of your interventions.

Frequently asked Questions

During the subsciption period, may I change my pack ?

Our subscriptions are binding for only 12 months.
At any time, you can upgrade your subscription to a larger coverage. However during the committed period, lowering the service is not possible(see Contact page)

How to select the package most adequate for my needs ?

Our search engine will allow you to select the most adequate package in regard of your business areas (see Products page). In case of doubt, our Sales Team will help you to find the best choice. (see Contact page).

How does I subscribe to Fluxea services

On our merchant site or by contacting us (see Contact page).

Can I test the service before subsribing ?

Yes uf couse you can ask a demo account to Fluxea Sales Dept. (see Contact page)

Can I call Fluxea techline with any of your packages ?

Techline is included in each package, under the limit of a normal frequency, and within the areas covered by the package.

How many users are able to benefit from a subscription ?

Our subscriptions include 2 simultaneous users.

How to unsubscribe ?

Just contact us.(see Contact page)

Will the package halt by itself at the end of the 12 months ?

As the Fluxea User License stipulates, you do not need to renew your subscription every year. It will continue by tacit agreement.

How many models are covered by the database ?

In 2024 more than 3 000 models are identified in Fluxea database. Some 50 to 60 are added each year.

What is the periodicity of informations updating ?

Fluxea website is updated weekly. We fight to display the most important data within the 6 months following the vehicle market introduction.

Need more?

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any other question
or if you need additional information.

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